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July Updates: Important quality of life updates
July 24, 2023

It was a busy July here at Encharge, and we’ve got two important updates to share with you.

Here's what we've built for you this July.

Change the wait time of Wait steps for people currently in the step

For people that are currently in a Wait step (i.e., people showing under "are here"), you now get the option to choose whether to update the wait time for them or only for people that enter the step in the future:


Let's examine a couple of scenarios where you are changing the wait time for people that are already in the step:

  • Scenario 1: The old wait time was 5 days. People have entered the step 3 days ago. Then, you change the time from 5 days to 10 days. Since people have already been waiting 3 days on this step, it means they will wait 7 more days before they continue to the next step.

  • Scnerio 2:The old wait time was 5 days. People have entered the step 3 days ago. Then, you change the wait time from 5 days to 1 day instead. Since people have already been waiting for longer than 1 day, they will continue to the next step immediately.

Read the full help doc on using the Wait step here.

People can now continue to newly added steps in an activated flow

Now when you add new steps to an existing activated flow, you get the option to choose whether you want people to continue to the newly added step(s).

In the example below, there are 852 people who have entered the last step - Send Email. The flow has already been activated, but we can still add new steps to it.

If we add a new step and connect it to the last step (the Send Email step), you can choose whether the 852 people continue to the newly added step or not:

  • If you select "No", these people will not enter any newly added steps.

  • If you select "No, and don't ask me again for this session", people will not be added to the new steps for the whole session (until you close the browser tab with Encharge).

  • If you select "Yes", people will continue to the next newly added step.

Read the full help docs here.

We hope these updates make your work in Encharge much more productive!

Linked feedback
Change period for Wait step
Feature Requests
People continue after a new step is added
Feature Requests
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