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Kickofflabs integration

Neat tool for giveaways and others. Webhook from them works, but I can't send back data (tags).

Pre populate and hide email field in Forms

Super useful when sending users an email to get quick feedback

Rewardful Integration

Would be great if we could tag affiliates from rewardful

SwipePages App

In Swipe Pages there is a Send to Encharge App but no app on the Encharge side to receive it (as far as I can see) The app Im talking about in SwipePages does not include a Webhook but assumes a direct connect. Problem is I don't see an app to choose in Encharge to connect to. You even mention in your documentation this is the better way to go rather than a webhook. So Im confused how to make the Swipe Pages App work in Encharge. Thanks.

SwipePages Integration

Make it easier to connect all sales through SwipePages into Encharge Flows by direct connect. I just spent a week trying to figure out how to do it and still unsure. thanks

Be able to use custom fields in People in Forms

When building a Person profile over time it would be amazing if you could use Forms to gather information directly, e.g as a survey in onboarding etc.
For this to be useful you would also need to make the Form module a bit more flexible so you can decide which fields to include (now you cant create a Form without an email field)


Please add direct integration with brizy

ActivePieces Integration

Active Pieces is an incredible alternative to Zapier, offering a powerful open-source solution. Because of its Open Source nature, it's rapidly growing. I would love to use it to automate Encharge too...

Allow subscribers to update email address

It would be incredibly helpful to add a field to the communication preferences page that allows subscribers to update their own email address.

Many other platforms have this standard feature, and it's annoying and time-consuming to have to manually update email addresses for subscribers myself. When people can't update their email address, they may also opt to unsubscribe rather than email to ask that I change their email address, so it's also detrimental to my business. Having this feature will alleviate frustration for both Encharge users AND their subscribers.

Paddle Billing integration

Paddle launched a new service called Paddle Billing. I am using this and need the integration.

The actual integration only works for paddle classic

Lemon Squeezy Integration
Landing Page

now that we have forms, woudl be nice to have a simple landing page builder

Specifics of who clicked a link

It would be great to be able to see, within an individual broadcast, who clicked a particular link (rather than having to go through the hassle of creating a temporary segment and then deleting it) AND, if there are multiple instances of the same link in the email (e.g. one at the top and one at the bottom), which specific link was clicked

DonorBox integration

Donation platform that captures leads through donations, tickets, via online embeds, landing pages, and live events. With integration we can ensure all leads for through and conversation tracking, lead scoring, and log donations.

Tally Integration

Please add form submissions as triggers.

Messenger integration

Adding messenger to a flow would be awesome.
That's both for Facebook and Instagram (Meta).
Not talking about a connecting to third-party software with a webhook - this is about a direct integration for Messenger inside Encharge.

Tags - Sort the pull down list of tags

PLEASE sort the list of tags when pull down lists of the tags are shown such as in actions or filters. If you have a lot of tags, you have to read the ENTIRE List to find the one you want.

Recurring Time Trigger - Xth Day of week every month

add the ability to create recurring triggers such as 3rd Tues or 2nd Weds of every month.

Add override thumbnail option for videos

I'd like to be able to add an image to this video so it doesn't show a grey wall.

Outlook Integration

Outlook integration would be ideal for tracking meetings booked

Everwebinar/Webinarjam integration

Sadly Everwebinar/Webinarjam has no webhook integration, but it has integrated with several autoresponders. Would be great if encharge gets integrated with Everwebinar/Webinarjam!


It would be really helpful to be able to nest email categories. For example, I could make an overall Marketing Emails category, then be able to nest different marketing campaigns under that so that if someone unsubscribes from marketing campaigns but wants to continue receiving my weekly emails, they won't ever receive emails from those sub-categories.

Right now, I would have to go in and manually do this, as far as I can tell, which is not feasible.

Integration with WordPress for Automated Blog Post Email Distribution

Dear Encharge Development Team,

As an active user of your service and Agency Owner, I have identified an opportunity to enhance the functionality of Encharge through the development of a new feature: a WordPress integration that automates the distribution of blog posts via email.

This proposed feature would require the addition of a configurable widget within the Encharge email builder. The widget would be designed to authenticate with a specified WordPress instance and retrieve the most recent blog posts. These posts could then be incorporated directly into an email campaign, providing a seamless way to update subscribers with the latest content.

From a technical standpoint, the widget would need to:

  1. Allow users to input their WordPress instance's details for authentication (API key, URL, etc.).
  2. Retrieve the most recent blog posts from the authenticated WordPress instance.
  3. Include an interface within the email builder to customize the display of these blog posts in the email body (e.g., formatting, number of posts to include, etc.).

The implementation of this feature could significantly streamline the process of blog content distribution for Encharge users, eliminating the need for manual content updates in email campaigns. This would be particularly valuable for users who maintain active WordPress blogs alongside their email marketing initiatives.

I believe this integration would be a valuable addition to Encharge, potentially attracting new users seeking a comprehensive solution for their email marketing and blog content distribution needs.

I appreciate your consideration of this feature request and look forward to potential updates in line with this proposal.

Best regards,


Redirect Page query parameters

In redirect page there should be an option to provide submitted form dynamic values.

so page to redirect:{{email}}&name={{name))

That would be awesome!