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Make your forms visually appealing with Form Styles
May 23, 2023
New Feature

Since its release, the Native Forms feature has been a great help to users in collecting email contacts and information about your leads or subscribers. As important as having a form, a visually appealing one can boost user engagement and increase the likelihood of form completion. 

We're glad to announce that the Form Styles feature is now available to make visual changes easier. The sections below provide an overview of the visual changes that can be made in each of them.

Form - In this section, you can change the background of the form, the max width, the font, the horizontal and vertical paddings, and the top and bottom spacing between the form elements.

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 9.38.06 PM.png

Text - The Text section lets you change the text color of the form (including the Success message) the text size, and the alignment.

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 9.38.27 PM.png

Button - This section is dedicated to making changes to the form's Submit button. You can alter the text color, text size, border and background color, alignment, and horizontal and vertical paddings.

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 9.38.39 PM.png

Fields - Just below the Button section, you will find the Fields section which can be used to make changes to the fields in your forms. This includes adjusting the colors of the field labels, the input text, the background, and the border. Aside from these, you can also modify the text size, the roundness of the corners of the fields, and the horizontal and vertical paddings.Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 9.38.52 PM.png

The sections above can be accessed within the Style tab when editing your forms. For more information about the Native Forms and the Form Styles, check this help doc - Native Forms.

Send us an email at support@encharge.io for your queries.

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