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Weekly Updates - 06-12 Sep
September 14, 2021

Hey everyone, 

Hope you are doing great and enjoying the last days of good weather (at least here in Europe).

You know what time it is – time for our weekly product updates.


✨ Display soft bounces in email metrics – up until now we've been showing Soft bounces as a part of the hard bounces. But they are quite different. You can now see a separate metric for your soft bounces. To learn what's the difference between soft bounces and hard bounces make sure to check this help article.

✨ Allow fractional days/hours (e.g 1.5 hours) in Date Field trigger – you asked and we delivered. You can now specify fractional days and hours in the Date Field trigger step.

Bug fixes

🔧 Show in-app warning if email sending is paused for an account – we now warn you inside the app that your email sending is paused. This usually means that a member of our Account Reviews team will reach out to you soon with more information about the email pausing.

🔧 Segments based on email categories not working for people without preferences – Fixed.

🔧 While editing flow, the message ”Your changes have not been saved, leave anyway" shows incorrectly – Fixed, and you should not see this message anymore.

🔧 Duplicating broadcast doesn't reset “Send in contacts’ timezones” – We had issues related to duplicating a broadcast that was using the "Send in contacts' timezone" feature. This was fixed now.

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